La Niña Alemana


An unforgettable novel set in Berlin in the spring of 1939, pre and post-revolutionary Cuba and New York after September 11.

Before it all fell apart, Hannah Rosenthal and her parents had a lovely life. His family, one of the most distinguished in Berlin’s high social circles, was admired by friends and neighbors. Now in 1939, Berlin has been dyed in the white, red and black colors of a flag that they do not recognize as their own. Hannah takes refuge with her best friend, Leo Martin, in the alleys and parks of a city that no longer loves them. The two children make a pact: whatever happens, they promise a future together.

A ray of hope reaches the Rosenthals and the Martins: the Saint Louis, a huge and luxurious ocean liner, will leave Hamburg for Cuba with more than 900 Jewish refugees. As all the passengers are filled with excitement for the bright future that awaits them, Hannah and Leo’s love flourishes between games, costume balls and exquisite dinners. Until dire news begins to arrive from Havana, whose government prohibits the ship from docking in the port. The majestic ship, which seemed the only salvation for them, could end up becoming their death penalty.

Seven decades later, in New York, about to turn twelve, Anna Rosen receives, from Cuba, a mysterious envelope from Hannah, her great-aunt, whom she never met. In an attempt to piece together the puzzle of her family’s past, Anna and her mother decide to travel to meet Hannah. By intertwining the pain of the past with the mysteries of the present, he revives the memory of a forgotten last name and, in turn, honors those he loved and tragically lost.

This book is used and was originally bought from a major bookstore in the U.S. The book is in very good condition with minimal signs of wear.

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Armando Lucas Correa

Armando Lucas Correa is an award-winning journalist, editor, author, and the recipient of several awards from the National Association of Hispanic Publications and the Society of Professional Journalism. He is the author of the international bestseller The German Girl, which is now being published in thirteen languages. He lives in New York City with his partner and their three children. Visit


Product Details

ISBN 9781501121142


Used – Very Good

Number of Pages 368

Language Spanish

Dimensions 5.31 x 0.9 x 8.25 inches


Una novela inolvidable ambientada en el Berlín de la primavera de 1939, la Cuba pre- y postrevolucionaria y el Nueva York después del 11 de septiembre.

Antes de que todo se desmoronara, Hannah Rosenthal y sus padres tenían una vida encantadora. Su familia, una de las más distinguidas en los altos círculos sociales berlineses, era admirada por amigos y vecinos. Ahora en 1939, Berlín se ha teñido de los colores blanco, rojo y negro de una bandera que no reconocen como suya. Hannah se refugia con su mejor amigo, Leo Martin, en los callejones y parques de una ciudad que ya no los quiere. Los dos niños hacen un pacto: pase lo que pase, se prometen un futuro juntos.

Un rayo de esperanza les llega a los Rosenthal y los Martin: el Saint Louis, un enorme y lujoso trasatlántico partirá de Hamburgo a Cuba con más de novecientos refugiados judíos. En la medida que todos los pasajeros se van llenando de ilusión por el brillante futuro que les espera, el amor de Hannah y Leo florece entre juegos, bailes de disfraces y cenas exquisitas. Hasta que empiezan a llegar noticias funestas desde La Habana cuyo gobierno prohíbe al barco atracar en el puerto. El majestuoso navío, que parecía la única salvación para ellos, podría terminar convirtiéndose en su pena de muerte.

Siete décadas más tarde, en Nueva York, a punto de cumplir sus doce años, Anna Rosen recibe, procedente de Cuba, un misterioso sobre de Hannah, su tía abuela, a quien nunca conoció. En un intento por armar el rompecabezas del pasado de su familia, Anna y su madre deciden viajar a encontrarse con Hannah. Al entrelazar el dolor del pasado con los misterios del presente, revive la memoria de un apellido olvidado y, a su vez, les rinde honor a aquellos que amó y que trágicamente perdió.



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