Dime Quién Soy


A journalist receives a proposal to investigate the life of his great-grandmother, Amelia Garayoa, a woman from whom he only knows that she fled, abandoning her husband and son shortly before the Spanish civil war broke out. To rescue her from oblivion, she must reconstruct her story from the foundations fitting, one by one, all the pieces of the immense and extraordinary puzzle of her life.

Marked by four men who will change her forever -the businessman Santiago Carranza, the French revolutionary Pierre Comte, the American journalist Albert James and the military doctor linked to Nazism Max von Schumann-, Amelia’s story is that of an antiheroine prey to her own contradictions that will make mistakes that will never pay off and that will end up suffering, firsthand, the merciless scourge of both Nazism and the Soviet dictatorship.

This book is used and was originally bought from a major bookstore in the U.S. It has signs of wear including minor discoloration and creases but all pages and the cover are in tact.

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Julia Navarro

Julia Navarro has captivated millions of readers with the six titles she has published to date, all of them authentic long sellers: The Brotherhood of the Holy Shroud, The Clay Bible, The Blood of the Innocents, Tell me Who I Am, Shoot Me I’m Already dead and Story of a Scoundrel. Her books have been published in more than thirty countries around the world and the audiovisual adaptation of Tell Me Who I Am is currently being prepared for a Movistar TV series.


Product Details

ISBN 9780307741721

Condition Used – Good

Number of Pages 1,104

Language Spanish

Dimensions 4.91 x 1.74 x 7.47 inches


Espionaje e intriga en estado puro, amores y desamores desgarrados, aventura e historia de un siglo hecho pedazos, Dime quién soy es un apasionante relato protagonizado por unos personajes inolvidables cuyas vidas construyen un magnífico retrato de la historia del siglo XX.

Un periodista recibe la propuesta de investigar la vida de su bisabuela, Amelia Garayoa, una mujer de la que sólo sabe que huyó abandonando a su marido y a su hijo poco antes de que estallara la guerra civil española. Para rescatarla del olvido deberá reconstruir su historia desde los cimientos encajando, una a una, todas las piezas del inmenso y extraordinario puzle de su vida.

Marcada por cuatro hombres que la cambiarán para siempre -el empresario Santiago Carranza, el revolucionario francés Pierre Comte, el periodista estadounidense Albert James y el médico militar vinculado al nazismo Max von Schumann-, la historia de Amelia es la de una antiheroína presa de sus propias contradicciones que cometerá errores que no terminará nunca de pagar y que acabará sufriendo, en carne propia, el azote despiadado tanto del nazismo como de la dictadura soviética.


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